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    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.


    Clip Description

    Cast: Angelina and Xena
    «I've seen a lot of Stabbing videos and this is easily one of the Best I've ever seen.

    Angelina did not disappoint. It's always fun watching her and how much personality she brings, both as the victim and the killer. As the victim, her cries of anguish really sold the stabbings. As the killer, she surprised me by getting wonderfully maniacal, which made that part of the video even more entertaining.

    Admittedly, I was taking a gamble with Xena since I hadn't seen any of her videos prior to this. But, it was a good gamble because she did an excellent job as well. She was very sexy both as the killer and the victim.

    The only disappointing thing was that I could tell they were just pantomiming the kissing scenes. I'm guessing that was done as a COVID-19 precaution. Though it is unfortunate, it is understandable. Regardless, the film was still very enjoyable and worth the wait»

    Customer’s Review

    A Rogue Agent, Angelina returns to the apartment she is using as a safe house. She wears blue jeans (possibly with a belt), a black leather jacket, a sleeveless tank top (a dark color or white), and high heel boots (preferably black), her hair is tied back in a ponytail or braid, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s black, a dark color, white, or clear.
    She sees that a section of the wall and floor of the living room (it doesn’t have to be the living room) is covered by plastic (or a tarp, whichever is easier/looks better)) and immediately knows something is off.
    An Assassin, Xena, comes out of hiding and aims her pistol (with a silencer) at Angelina’s head. She wears blue jeans, a sleeveless tank top (a dark color), and high heel boots (preferably black), her hair is tied back in a ponytail or braid, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s black, a dark color, white, or clear.
    Xena chuckles.
    Xena suddenly stabs her in the abdomen. Angelina looks at the knife and Xena in shock. Xena stabs her in the abdomen again. And then a third time. Xena twists the blade, causing Angelina to groan/moan in pain. (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place. If need be, this section can be shortened to two stabs with Xena twisting the blade on the 2nd stab.)
    Xena smiles in satisfaction and makes out with her and Angelina can’t help kissing her back.
    She then stabs Angelina in the chest with a downward strike. Angelina looks dazed. Xena holds it in for a few seconds then stabs her in the chest again. She then stabs her in the chest a third time. (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place. If need be, this section can be shortened to two stabs.)
    Xena pulls out the knife, aims it at Angelina’s abdomen, then stabs her four more times (taking a second or two between each stab). She then stabs her fifth time, this time slowly driving it into Angelina’s abdomen and the twisting the blade a couple times. (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place)
    She pulls out the knife. Angelina takes a couple staggering steps forward. Xena easily pushes her back against the wall and makes out with her some more and slowly gropes her breasts. She then spends some time licking and sucking on Angelina’s tits.
    Xena aims the knife at one of Angelina’s nipples and slowly drives it into her.
    She then does the same to Angelina’s other nipple. Both times the pain is almost orgasmic.
    She turns Angelina around to face the wall and uncuffs her.
    She tosses the cuffs aside, turns Angelina back around, and watches for a moment as she struggles to cling to life.
    Xena stabs her in the chest in a downward strike four more times, taking a second or two between each stab. (Maybe sometimes she stabs her in the same place. If need be, this section can be shortened to three stabs.)
    Xena smirks, impressed. She then grabs Angelina by the throat and aims the knife where the entrance to her pussy would be.
    Angelina just glares at her.
    Xena drives the blade into Angelina’s pussy. She gasps and her eyes roll back. Xena holds it inside her and watches her dazed orgasmic reaction. Her body begins to spasm, inadvertently making her fuck the blade. She decides to help, fucking Angelina with the knife. She finally pulls it out. Blood and piss spill from Angelina.
    After a few seconds, Angelina drops to her knees, and her face lands against Xena’ belly. Xena holds her head there, cradling it. Xena laughs manically while Angelina clings to life, her body shivering and/or spasming.
    Xena gets down on one knee (or both knees) so she can look Angelina in the eyes. She kisses her.
    Xena considers this for a second (or at least pretends to)
    She then slowly drives the knife into Angelina’s heart, then twists the blade two times. Gradually, Angelina lays down (possibly into the pool of blood and piss), Xena guiding/helping. Xena watches as Angelina’s life begins slips away. She gives Angelina one last kiss goodbye. Wanting her to suffer till her last breath, Xena pulls out the knife and slowly drives it into the base of Angelina’s throat.
    Angelina gradually dies, her dead eyes staring into Xena’s (possible POV).
    Xena pulls the knife out, then straightens Angelina out (if need be), and as she looks down at her (body pans), she becomes mesmerized by the peaceful look on Angelina’s face, turning it back and forth and stroking it. She slowly makes out with her, savoring the taste and unique feeling of the dead girl’s unresponsive lips, all while groping her breasts. Gradually she moves down, kissing and nibbling on her neck, and then sucking on her breasts, enjoying the taste of her blood. She then makes out with her some more.
    She takes Angelina’s hands and runs them up and down her body, making her grope her breasts (Xena’s), enjoying the feel of her dead lover’s hands. She then makes out with her some more.
    Inevitably, throughout all this Xena can’t help getting Angelina’s blood on her and she enjoys it. Maybe she rubs it on herself every now and then.
    As she stares at Angelina’s dead face her blood lust takes over and she stabs Angelina three more times in the chest (it can be shortened to two stabs, if need be), twice in the abdomen (it can be shortened to one stab, if need be), then two more times in the chest (it can be shortened to one stab, if need be). She pauses between each stab to savor it. She then stabs the top of her pussy mound. She then aims the knife at the entry of her pussy and stabs her pussy three more times (a couple seconds between each stab, or it can be shortened to one stab, if need be) and then fucks her with the knife.
    She then makes out with her again, hard and angrily this time but then gradually getting softer and more loving.
    She then slowly drives the knife into Angelina’s heart one last time and leaves it there. Xena gives her one final deep kiss then walks away. Body pans, ending with a close up of Angelina’s face (This appears to be the end).
    Xena pulls out her phone and makes a call.
    Angelina suddenly inhales, slowly sits up, and stands (almost as if she were a zombie). She sees Xena has her back turned. She glares at her as she pulls the knife out of her chest and approaches.
    Angelina suddenly grabs Xena from behind and stabs her in the back, causing her to drop her phone. The Boss calls out to Xena from the phone. Angelina then stabs her in the back a second and third time. (If need be, this section can be shortened to one stab)
    Angelina puts Xena up against the wall and stabs her in the abdomen then twists the blade to causing Xena to groan/moan. Xena looks at the knife and Angelina in shock.
    She twists the blade again, causing her more pain.
    Angelina smiles in satisfaction and makes out with her and Xena can’t help kissing her back.
    She roughly pulls the knife out of Xena, causing her more pain. As Xena clutches her wound, moaning in pain, Angelina retrieves Xena’s gun and aims it at her.
    XENA (chuckles): I guess I should consider myself lucky. You always end the fun quickly.
    ANGELINA: It’s called being efficient. And for you, I’ll make an exception.
    Angelina suddenly shoots Xena in the base of her throat. For a moment Xena is shocked as her hand goes to the wound in her throat. It becomes increasingly difficult for her to breathe.
    Angelina grabs a chair and places it on the plastic for Xena. As Xena sits down, blood streams from her throat as she lets out labored wheezing breaths.
    ANGELINA: Having trouble breathing? Don’t worry. We have plenty of time before the fun is over.
    Angelina puts the gun to the side. (Maybe she grabs another chair for herself, or she can bend/crouch down. Whatever is easier/looks better).
    She strokes Xena’s faces and makes out with her. She takes her time, slowly making out with Xena, slowly yet roughly groping, licking, and sucking on her breasts, kissing and licking her abdomen, licking the blood, and rubbing her crotch. All the while, Xena continues to let out labored wheezing breaths as she chokes on the bullet. She doesn’t resist. She is too weak.
    After a while, Angelina grabs the gun. Crouching down, she holds Xena from behind, grabbing her breasts as she slowly aims the gun. She then shoots Xena twice in the pelvis. Xena pisses herself.
    Angelina smiles and maybe chuckles in satisfaction. She then continues to make out with Xena and grope her body for a while longer. All the while Xena’s wheezing breaths become increasingly labored, her body shutters, her eyes are dazed.
    After a while, Angelina walks in front of Xena. She aims the gun right at where the entrance to Xena’s pussy would be. She gives Xena a few seconds to think about it, the fires, shooting Xena right in the pussy. Xena bucks forward, clutching her pussy, and slowly falls to the floor, landing in her own piss (and possibly Angelina’s piss as well).
    Angelina watches, enjoying the sight of Xena’s eyes rolling back and her body spasming as her wheezing breaths become increasingly labored. It’s almost orgasmic. She doesn’t have long.
    Angelina turns Xena onto her back (unless she is already on her back) and makes out with her some more. She then stares into Xena’s eyes as she gradually takes her last wheezing breath, her dead eyes staring into Angelina’s (up close and intimate, possible POV).
    ANGELINA: See you in Hell, my love. Save me a spot by the fire.
    Angelina becomes mesmerized by the peaceful look on Xena’ face and slowly makes out with her, savoring the taste and unique feeling of the dead girl’s unresponsive lips, all while groping her breasts. Gradually she moves down, kissing and nibbling on her neck, then sucking on her breasts. She then makes out with her some more.
    She takes Xena’ hands and runs them up and down her body, making her grope her breasts (Angelina’s), enjoying the feel of her dead lover’s hands. She then makes out with her some more.
    Inevitably, throughout all this Angelina can’t help getting Xena’ blood on her and she enjoys it. Maybe she rubs it on herself every now and then.
    As she stares at Xena’ dead face her blood lust takes over. She takes the knife and stabs Xena in the pussy and then fucks her with the knife.
    She then makes out with her again, hard and angrily this time but then gradually getting softer and more loving.
    Angelina gives her one final deep kiss then stands and looks her over (body pans). She then picks up the gun shoots Xena three times in the forehead (taking a second or two between shots) in the same place, making the wound bigger. (Angelina POV)
    Angelina picks up Xena’ phone. The Boss continues to call for Xena.
    ANGELINA: She dead. And you’re next.
    Angelina hangs up. She looks at the dead Xena and herself. What a mess. At least her victim brought cleaning supplies.
    She strides toward the bathroom to get cleaned up, almost like a bloody yet triumphant zombie.
    (Kind of similar to the final victory march in Capture the Flag Part 2 at 5:28:
    Our final body pans, ending with a close up of Xena’ face staring at us.
    The dialogue is more of a guideline, so feel free to have the models improvise if they like.
    Feel free to include any bloopers or outtakes at the end. Maybe even a bonus scene of the girls getting cleaned up afterwards.


    Clip Duration:      23 minutes
    Format Size
    mp41047.31 MB

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